Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Presently in the Past

I made my Aai(my mother) read some of my recent blogs today...and she pointed out something to me...That i seem to be living in the past...all my blogs seem more like memories..and none too much about the present...and that got me thinking..maybe i AM living in the past...living on past memories rather than future expections or goals...

I think i do need to change my outlook towards my life....will help me in achieving whatever little ive set out to do...So from today iam gonna live in teh present and the future...ofcourse..i might reminice in the past once in a while..but my life will revolve around my present...and my future...I WILL Turn this Page once and for all!


Ads said...

Kudos to kaku! I cannot agree more with her. But I think it is all right to do so. If this is a place where you can puke it all out and get up with a clean heart, why not?

And like this 'totally spaced out me' has quoted, if you are not doing it to 'rehash the painful times' its okay me thinks!

Tejilee Tembe said...

You sure do live in the past blue eyes!! But eh,whether we admit it or not, we all do!