Catastrophe struck the coast of New Orleans last week Hurricane Katrina ripped through the coastline leaving thousands dead and lacs homeless. A month and a half back, the same happened in our very own Mumbai. A typhoon rippd through the city and left thousands dead and homeless. See some similarities in my sentence construction?.Well, if according to this data received by me on email is anything to go by, the similarities dont end here. Read on..Its very interesting...
1. Inches of rain in new orleans due to hurricane katrina... 18
Inches of rain in mumbai (July 27th).... 37.1
2. Population of new orleans... 484,674
Population of mumbai.... 12,622,500
3. Deaths in new orleans within 48 hours of katrina...100
Deaths in mumbai within 48hours of rain.. 37.
4. Number of people to be evacuated in new orleans...entire city..wohh
Number of people evacuated in mumbai...10,000
5. Cases of shooting and violence in new orleans...Countless
Cases of shooting and violence in mumbai.. NONE
6. Time taken for US army to reach new orleans...48hours
Time taken for Indian army and navy to reach mumbai...12hours
7. Status 48hours orleans is still waiting for relief, army and electricty
Status 48hours later..mumbai is back on its feet and is business is as usual
8.'s most developed nation
India...third world country.
If these stats are anyting to go by, this is definitely a case of David triumphing over Goliath.Obviously our dear Chief Minister Mr. Vilasrao Deshmukh read these stats.Or something similar.Cause he was quick to point out that "They (American relief operators) are still perplexed at how to control the situation...compared to them, we did well". Capice!
But this brings us to an important question doesnt it?..Are all administrations like ours?...The Americans knew one week in advance that Katrina was going to hit..then why did so many people die?....Same in Mumbai?..Rumours have it that the typhoon was predicted before hand..but the administration chose not to take the caution for thought right?
All I can say...thousands of lives were lost when a majority of them could have been isolated from the tragedy...somehow the will to do good has been superceeded by the lust for money.... but as I say....where there isnt a way....There is God!..
1. Inches of rain in new orleans due to hurricane katrina... 18
Inches of rain in mumbai (July 27th).... 37.1
2. Population of new orleans... 484,674
Population of mumbai.... 12,622,500
3. Deaths in new orleans within 48 hours of katrina...100
Deaths in mumbai within 48hours of rain.. 37.
4. Number of people to be evacuated in new orleans...entire city..wohh
Number of people evacuated in mumbai...10,000
5. Cases of shooting and violence in new orleans...Countless
Cases of shooting and violence in mumbai.. NONE
6. Time taken for US army to reach new orleans...48hours
Time taken for Indian army and navy to reach mumbai...12hours
7. Status 48hours orleans is still waiting for relief, army and electricty
Status 48hours later..mumbai is back on its feet and is business is as usual
8.'s most developed nation
India...third world country.
If these stats are anyting to go by, this is definitely a case of David triumphing over Goliath.Obviously our dear Chief Minister Mr. Vilasrao Deshmukh read these stats.Or something similar.Cause he was quick to point out that "They (American relief operators) are still perplexed at how to control the situation...compared to them, we did well". Capice!
But this brings us to an important question doesnt it?..Are all administrations like ours?...The Americans knew one week in advance that Katrina was going to hit..then why did so many people die?....Same in Mumbai?..Rumours have it that the typhoon was predicted before hand..but the administration chose not to take the caution for thought right?
All I can say...thousands of lives were lost when a majority of them could have been isolated from the tragedy...somehow the will to do good has been superceeded by the lust for money.... but as I say....where there isnt a way....There is God!..
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